CircleZeroEight – Issue 01

CircleZeroEight – Issue 01
IdentityPrintFRESH is Issue 01 of Circle Zero Eight, the new magazine fusing sport and style, founded by former GQ Fashion Director, Elgar Johnson. Its aim is to spotlight sport’s universal reach, as well as the way in which sport intersects with other corners of culture and society…
We worked with an incredible team — From the logo to the covers to the page layouts. The inclusion of Declan Rice and some bubbles on one of the front covers was the cherry on the top of the cake.
“I was like, ‘You know what, I think I like art. But I don’t think I like art in the same way I like sport. But I don’t know if I can do sport because I work in fashion…’ Then I was like, ‘You know what, why not just do it all?’”
(Elgar Johnson, Editor Circle Zero Eight)